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We are pleased to present the latest edition of touchREVIEWS in Ophthalmology. In this issue, we offer a series of engaging editorials, in-depth review articles and insightful original research highlighting some of the latest breakthroughs, innovations and practical insights in the dynamic field of ophthalmology. We begin with macular degeneration, where José-Alain Sahel et al. […]

The Glaucoma Foundation (TGF)

The Glaucoma Foundation (TGF)
The mission of The Glaucoma Foundation (TGF) is to develop a cure for glaucoma through innovative research and collaboration. Founded in 1984 by Dr. Robert Ritch, TGF is one of the premier not-for-profit organizations dedicated to eradicating blindness from glaucoma through vital research and education.
The Foundation works to encourage and support basic and applied research in glaucoma, to gain and disseminate new information about the causes and treatment of glaucoma, and to further efforts to identify and develop novel approaches to preserve visual function and reverse blindness caused by glaucoma.

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