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We are pleased to present the latest edition of touchREVIEWS in Ophthalmology. In this issue, we offer a series of engaging editorials, in-depth review articles and insightful original research highlighting some of the latest breakthroughs, innovations and practical insights in the dynamic field of ophthalmology. We begin with macular degeneration, where José-Alain Sahel et al. […]

Roxane Hillier, EURETINA 2022: Mechanisms of action in rhegmatogenous retinal detachment repair (Part 2)

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Published Online: Oct 20th 2022

In this touchOPHTHALMOLOGY interview, Roxane Hillier (Newcastle Eye Centre, Newcastle, UK) discussed techniques involved in retinal reattachment and shared the highlights from her EURETINA course on rhegmatogenous retinal detachment repair.

The instructional course entitled “Mechanisms of Action in Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment Repair” was conducted at EURETINA 2022, 1–4 September 2022 

  1. Could you tell us a little about the mechanisms of retinal reattachment with scleral buckle and pneumatic retinopexy? (00:13)
  2. What modifications in techniques can improve the integrity of reattachment? (01:10)
  3. What were the key take home messages of the course you presented at EURETINA? (03:19)

Disclosure: Roxane Hillier has nothing to disclose in relation to this video.

Support: Interview and filming supported by Touch Medical Media Ltd. Interview conducted by Lisa Glass.

Filmed as a highlight of EURETINA 2022.

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